Monday 28 November 2011

Possible inside panel for digipack:

After creating both of the sections for our second inside panel for our digipack we decided to fit the panel to size so that it would fit the measurements for our DVD digipack album. We also wanted to be able to see what the overall panel would look like by attaching both of the sections of the panel together. Presented below is the step by step for how we attached both sections of the panel together along with the feedback we recieved from our peers.


- I like the design, the font and the background. I like the black and white. I don't like the purple, green, blue background colours looks a bit childlike. Perhaps, darken the colours more. But I like the background and font of it. (Feedback given by male aged 17)

- Both pictures look good in a unique way but together maybe not so good. Can't really see the text. (Feedback given by male aged 17.)

- I don't like the whole rainbow thing on the top half of the panel. Picture of the hat has been saturated a bit to much. I like the attention to detail with the hat and the covering of the eyes and with the hand holding the hat. (Feedback given by male aged 17)

However, after reviewing all of the feedback given from our peers, we decided to change the background and the colour of our text as the white background was far too contrasting with the rest of our panels. Moreover, after placing the two sections for the second panel of our digipack together, both Khushel and I realised that the panels didn't match up very well together, as one panel was dark with bright neon colours painted across half of it, whilst the other was coloured white with a very bright, high contrasted photograph in the centre.

For us, we realised that it didn't look professional or sleek but a bit of a mess sadly, so we decided to change the bottom section of the panel which showcased the photo of the artist with the lyric from our song stamped across the artists hat by changing the background to black and adding a mix of colours to the panel so that the photo matched the style of our digipack, that is, a galactic and more vibrant theme which will hopefully cater for our audience and what's more, with any luck it should match the top section of our second inside panel.

We then showed our class the new layout for the panel where they all agreed that it looked far more appealing, fun and clearly matched the style of our digipack.


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